The word anika is written in black on a white background

Boost your business with expert guidance from a woman who has been there!

HI I'm Aníka Rós, a service and operation consultant.

I help women grow their businesses and achieve the earnings they deserve by optimizing their procedures and services for maximum profits.

Service and Operation Consultant

My 6-month 1:1 service and operation consulting program offers bi-weekly online sessions focused on three key pillars: assessing your current mindset, evaluating your present position, and envisioning your future goals.

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Service audit

Service audit - What are your customers first impression online, how are you really servicing you customers and what are their experience. What are people not telling you. Do you want to know?

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Web and UX consultant

Do you need a webpage or help to optimize the one you have already?

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Are you thinking about starting a buisness?

When starting a business, it's essential to:

  • Understand who are your target audience.
  • Know how you plan to serve them effectively.
  • Know how much money your need to opperate you business.
  • And how much to need to sell to cover all expenses.
  • Would you like my help?

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My masterclass in august

Is all about how to: Unlock Operational Success.

Join my masterclass on mindset improvement. Learn about strategies to enhance your mindset for business success.

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Aníka Rós gave us a really good reflection on what we can improve in our work. She’s encouraging, positive and brilliant in what she does. The projects she assigned to us were highly beneficial and came in good use. In the short amount of time of her counseling we managed to change our workflow and time management which instantly augmented productivity within the team.

Elín Arnar, Auður Elísabet and Inga Margrét

Birta Media -

I had business consulting with Aníka Rós for 6 weeks and it was very helpful. She got me off to a good start and gave me wholehearted advice, pushing me out of my comfort zone and giving me assignments for each class. I recommend to all those who are starting a business or are in business to get advice from Aníka Rós.

Gauja Hálfdánardóttir and

I give Aníka Rós my highest and best recommendation. My working hours vary between days and Anika Rós adapted our meeting time to my work schedule, not hers. I appreciate it. All the advice is very helpful, some of the advice I've received I didn't even think about. Simple but at the same time very valuable. In reality, I didn't have to create an excel document myself, they were sent to me via email and are very simple and easy to fill out. And what I really appreciate is that it was always possible to contact her between our meetings. Service 100%

Sólveig Jan

Höfðabóns þjónusta ehf -

My aim for my life

I have founded and managed two successful businesses: All Alpacka, established in Peru and operated in Sweden, and Tara, which I passionately led in Iceland for a decade.

Now, with my third venture, I am crafting a business around my lifestyle choices. My goal is to design a professional life that allows me the freedom to work and live anywhere, alongside like-minded individuals. Leveraging my education and extensive hands-on experience, I am dedicated to curating a fulfilling work-life blend.

Through my consultancy in service and operational enhancement, I aim to blend my expertise and aspirations to shape a fulfilling future both personally and professionally.

More about me


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My insights on service and operations improvements, along with my recommendations from other experts I admire.

Plus, occasional notifications about relevant masterclasses or valuable resources.

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